Unhealthy Food You Should Steer Clear From

Everyone is aware of the risk of chronic diseases on a person’s health Not only can some unhealthy food pose risk to a person’s physical health, it can also affect a person’s mental health and well-being.

Food has a direct correlation with you overall mood and energy for the day. The next time you’re out going grocery shopping, or going through an online deli delivery service to look for ingredients that you’ll prepare, here are some of the unhealthy food that you should frequently avoid adding to your cart:


This type of drink making an appearance on this list shouldn’t be surprising. Soda drinks contain high levels of sugar that’s absorbed in the bloodstream that can cause fluctuations on a person’s blood sugar levels.

While sodas may give that quick burst of energy that a person needs, the energy wears out just as fast as it started which could leave a person from being completely energized to immediately crashing and the person’s mood completely plummeting.


This is another food type that gives that quick burst in energy because of the blood sugar levels that affect a person’s energy and mood negatively when it wears out. Apart from that, bagels are also made of ingredients such as white grain that hold little to no nutritional value. And the increase in blood sugar levels become more exceptionally worrying when bagel is consumed with the likes of peanut butter that contains protein.

Salted Peanuts

This is also one of the snacks that people should avoid putting in their diets at all costs. This is because salted peanuts (and most peanuts sold at many stores) contain large amount of sodium, as well as MSG which is an artificial flavoring that may cause anxiety, fatigue, and dizziness.

There are also studies that point out the link of the following ingredients to mood swings and lethargy. Experts recommend healthier and raw peanut choices that do not contain such ingredients such almonds, and walnuts.

Canned Food

Some canned food do not only have high sodium levels, but they also have an additive that may trigger chronic mood disorders, as well affect a person’s emotional function from feeling deeply exhausted, anxious, and unmotivated. To know which types to avoid, make sure that the label is ‘BPA free’ to make sure that the item does not have the organic compound Bisphenol A that is shown to be linked to triggering those emotions.

Eating some of these food every once in a while may not cause too much problems. However, it’s best to steer clear from them as early as possible to avoid unhealthy eating habits, or at the very least, consume them in golden moderation – for the sake of both your physical and mental health!

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